
Ashoka U

We've helped Ashoka U with strategy advising since 2010.  Specifically, we advise the Ashoka U leadership team on issues of strategy and operational management.  Together, we developed a balanced scorecard governance system to monitor strategic performance.

Alfred Friendly Press Partners

HDH & Associates, Inc, facilitated strategic planning to re-focus Alfred Friendly Press Partners after a successful thirty-year run.  With two offsite sessions for the Board of Directors, Haney Hong helped the foundation's leaders determine the best way to scale impact over the next thirty years.

Eli Lilly and Company

We helped Eli Lilly & Company, a multi-billion dollar pharmaceutical that has been around since after the Civil War, perform one of the first steps in strategic planning. The company needed to prepare for significant national legislation by mapping out stakeholders and their respective interests so they could work together for the public good in sustaining the Federal scientific base that ensures safe medicines are delivered to market.

University of San Diego "Changemaker Challenge" Program

Haney Hong, Managing Partner of HDH & Associates, Inc, is an Advisory Council member for the "Changemaker Challenge" program at the University of San Diego.  He was asked to serve as Chair after helping the program team think through and nurture the relationships, a key element in change management, to further develop the Advisory Council.

Office of the Governor of New York

We assisted then-Assistant Secretary of Energy and Environment Tom Congdon carefully manage change.  By pulling together stakeholders from numerous internal and external offices around a common goal, Haney helped ensure that the numerous agencies spoke with one voice around an issue of importance to the citizens of the state.